In August in the “Jermanis” mountain spring from which Vedi town receives most of its water, the water production dropped reaching 31 liters per second. There was a severe water shortage in the town. According to the experts, there was no precipitations in the mountains for more than 120 days. There was a risk that with temperature increase, the water quantity would decrease even more. Because of such situation, Veolia Djur operation and technical services’ managers once again studied the “Jermanis” spring and came to the conclusion that after some construction works it will be possible to increase water production.
As a result of the works that lasted for about 10 days, 3 new catchments (water collection reservoirs) were built in the area of the spring and 3 more were reconstructed, also new 2.5 km length PE pipeline was constructed to deliver the resulting additional 16 liters per second to the 41 km length “Jermanis-Vedi” water main.
Thanks to the implemented project, the total of 48 liters per second allowed to supply water to Vedi town for at least 6 hours a day instead of previous irregular and minimal water supply.
These days, in “Jermanis” Veolia Team continues to collect water, as result of which the water supply of the town will be improved in the coming days.