In Spitak mountains the “Chakhkal” chlorination plant was built. Thus, Veolia solved another decades-old and seemingly impossible problem. Spitak town, Jrashen, Lernavan, Mets Parni, Pokr Parni, Shirakamut, Katnajur and Saralanch villages receive water from the faraway “Chakhkal” spring. The 60 liters of water produced per second was chlorinated for years by a mechanical method that did not meet the requirements of the time.
Now all this is in the past. Despite the difficult mountainous terrain, severe weather conditions and lack of roads, a completely new chlorination plant was built at the source with the amount of 48 mln AMD allocated by Veolia under the Mandatory Capital Works Program 2021-2022. In order to supply high-quality and safe water to the consumers, all the conditions have been created in the newly built chlorination plant to ensure the chlorination process, as well as to organize the work and rest of the 4 service employees. In particular, the chlorination plant is furnished with modern equipment, has a separate chlorination room, as well as a storage for liquid chlorine and barrels, electronic scale, electric hoist, water metering node and everything that is required for the uninterrupted operation of the chlorination plant enabling to ensure water quality.